Celebrating the world's largest urban bat colony
Come Hang at the small but mighty bat booth!
Batty merchandise is available from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily:
Austin Gift Company
4211 S. Lamar Blvd., Suite A-19
Austin, TX 78741
About Austin's Legendary Bat Colony
Nestled in the crevices under Austin's Congress Avenue Bridge live as many as 1.5 million Brazilian Free-tailed bats. Dr. Merlin Tuttle has spent his lifetime studying bats and offers his personal advice for viewing Austin's favorite neighbors at https://www.austinbats.org/. Learn more about Austin's bats by watching this short video.
Not only do the bats inspire us and our visitors, it seems there's no end to the ways in which artists depict this unique mammal. We celebrate Austin’s legendary bat colony by offering up a bevy of bat-themed items, including bat houses, batwear, batstuff and more.
Did you know that bats are the only mammals capable of true flight?
Bat Houses: Five Sizes, Four Colors

About Our Bat Houses
We offer five bat house models, all certified by Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation (MTBC). MTBC certification affirms that the design, materials, construction and instructions meet quality standards.

Selecting a Color
The success of your bat house depends on a number of factors, including exterior color. Years of research conducted by Dr. Merlin Tuttle confirms that painted or stained houses are "far more successful."

Installing a Bat House
Single chambered bat houses are best installed on a home, barn, or other structure. Multi-chambered bat houses can go on a structure as well as a wooden post or steel pole.
Find out when Austin's bats fly!
Austin Bat Refuge posts regular updates so you can plan your visit to the Congress Avenue Bat Bridge. They track the approximate number of bats flying and detailed weather conditions. Click here to leave our website and go to theirs now!