Selecting a Color

The success of your bat house depends on a number of factors, including exterior color, and color is determined by geographic location. Twelve years of research conducted by Dr. Merlin Tuttle demonstrated that painted or stained houses are "far more successful."

Color bars progressing from darkest to lightest recommended bat house colors

To determine your region color, look up your location at U.S. Climate Data. Region color is based on daily high temperatures in July: 

Region 1 = less than 85ºF - Black or dark shade of paint 
Region 2 = 85ºF to 95ºF - Dark or medium shade of paint 
Region 3 = 95ºF to 100ºF - Medium or light shade of paint
Region 4 = 100ºF or greater - White or light shade of paint

Contact us if you need help determining your color.


Four bat house colors


The map below will give you a general guide for choosing your bat house color.

US map of color regions for bat houses

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